Spider-Man Far From Home - Marvel Monday

Welcome to a new series called Marvel Mondays were we discuss theories, news and things we hope happen in the MCU (disclaimer: I am in no way a marvel expert but I do love the movies and the comics even if I haven't read them all so I may sometime write things that are incorrect and I apologize now for that).

So since the Spider-Man trailer dropped last week I thought 'hey let's start with that'.

I will start by saying that I am excited for this, for me personally I think Tom Holland is the best Spider-Man/Peter Parker so I can't wait to see where his Spider-Man is going to go especially now that he is, as Happy said, "on his own". I also love that the trailer hasn't given anything away timeline wise for EndGame or any other movies, it's not clear exactly when this is taking place (this was obviously shown via the passport not having dates and the fact no one seemed to mention 50% of the population just poofed into dust). However, the trailer has me spinning so I thought I would discuss some theories I have conducted from the trailer and also some of the things I saw that I am looking forward to seeing more of in the movie.

So the first thing that has my mind spinning is the passport, yes I did find that photo booth hilarious and relatable I did question why exactly he needed it, did he not just get a passport to travel to Germany to be a part of the Civil War? Therefore why is he getting a new one just a few years later, the movie can't take place 10 years later or else they all would have graduated so does this mean that he no longer has that passport? And if this is the case did Civil War not take place. We know that Endgame is theorised to have time travel involved so did they go back in time and prevent the rift between the two sides, settle the accords early? Or maybe it was just something that they forgot Peter got and it means nothing but I myself can't stop thinking about this passport, which provides a good laugh every time I see that photo. I also appreciate that they kept the dates off the passport to keep us in the dark about when exactly this is taking place.

Another theory I have is that these Elementals are either created or summoned by Mysterio so that he can make himself look like the good guy (Aka, Syndrome in the Incredibles). I know that in Mysterio's first appearance (or one of his first) in the comic books he has a very similar introduction where he creates an evil then pretends to save the day so I'm thinking if they are the Elementals then he has summoned them in which case we all know that could go very wrong or it's not the Elementals at all and Mysterio has created these creatures himself to take on and defeat. I'm thinking it's going to be something along those lines as I would think by now that Sony would have learnt their lessons in putting too many bad guys in one movie and with Marvel also having a say in what goes into the movie I don't think they would make these mistakes. But we know that Mysterio is all about the illusions and I wouldn't be surprised if they introduce some almost Doctor Strange type powers to the character and he uses these to create villians that he can take down, being almost like an anti-hero to begin with at least. (And since I'm talking about Mysterio here I am just going to note how much I love his costume in the trailer).

I'm almost positive that in this movie more people are going to find out Peter's secret, I'm pretty sure Michelle is already suspicious but as it looks like Peter is abandoning people and his friends and classmates seem to be caught right in the middle. Maybe Nick Fury will help conceal his identity but it's almost inevitable that someone will figure it out or see Peter in action, also as it seems like at some points Peter isn't even fighting in costume.

Now this is one of the Endgame theories: where is Tony and is he dead? There are a lot of things in the trailer that points to the later, Pepper signing the cheque and creating what looks like a charity in Tony's name, Happy supporting Peter, the way Peter looks at his homecoming suit, plus we all assume that it's going to happen, if you're like me you've been preparing yourself for a while, but I'm wondering if he's either missing, maybe lost in time however there is a chance he's still alive. We all know Pepper is running Stark industries and I feel as though maybe Peter is just not ready to put the suit back on after Infinity War. Infinity War is a lot bigger than a neighbourhood and I feel there is a chance that what happened in Infinity War and the future events of Endgame were too much for the friendly neighbourhood Spider-Man and he's too scared to put the suit on. I don't necessarily think he's scarred to be Spider-Man but I do wonder if he's scared of being more than a neighbourhood superhero. That or he just wants a normal trip away with friends where he doesn't have to worry about getting hurt but he has conflicting feelings when he sees the suit. That or I'm trying to find ways of convincing myself that Tony is okay.

Now that the theories out of the way let's talk about things I'm looking forward to and loved in the trailer.

First thing is Aunt May being so supportive of Peter being Spider-Man. I am loving this take on their relationship even though part of me is like call child protective services because you should be concerned about him dying, look at the situations he's put himself in but I love that she is so okay with him being Spider-Man, I really hope that this has something to do with uncle Ben and we get some more information about him in this movie. But I am all for supportive aunt May.

I'm also excited for Flash Thompson from this trailer. I didn't really like him in Homecoming, his characterisation wasn't the best and he was just annoying. His one line in the trailer for Far From Home was better than his whole character arc in Homecoming.

I am also loving Zendaya's MJ, so far I like the look and personality of her character although I still don't like that they call her MJ, I'd rather they had just made her a new and different character as MJ is so well known and iconic as a character and to me Zendaya's Michelle is the opposite of MJ, the two characters are very contrasting and maybe that's what they were going for. I know that she's not Mary Jane she's Michelle I just wish they called her Michelle then instead of MJ.

Finally, I am so hopeful that we are going to get some Ned and Betty romance going because they look cute together and I want Ned to be happy, he's a supportive friend and he deserves to be happy.

So these are some of the theories I have after watching the trailer, there are a few more that I may put in another post, like why does no one mention the snap is it because it never happened or did everyone just agree that it's not something they talk about? And why is Nick Fury interested in Spider-Man but I will save those for a future Marvel Monday.


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