Expecto Patronum (A Harry Potter memory)
I can’t believe that it’s been 20 years of Harry Potter. It’s honestly such a crazy thought. It’s been more than 20 years since a generation of great witches and wizards were introduced to a series.
I feel like someone has obliviated the first real memories of how I got into this series, but it’s been a part of my life for quite some time. The first book I remember reading was The Half Blood Prince, which is quite strange if you think about it. I barely remember if it made sense to me. I was about 9 or 10 at that point. I must have liked it because when my mum bought The Deathly Hallows I read it.
Unfortunately, someone was a snitch and spoiled the end of the series for me. I was casually eavesdropping on someone’s conversation while we were waiting in line at school. I was a little bit upset (I think it’s one of those pivotal spoiler moments which I still remember). But that was it, though. This is what I remember from my first real introduction to Harry Potter.
My most favourite Harry Potter memory would have to be the time I went to the Harry Potter exhibition in Sydney back in 2011 as a birthday present. It was a whole trip! My brother, grandma, and grandpa came along. It was my very first time in Sydney too, and it was a fantastic trip. The exhibition was absolutely amazing. I was excited to see everything- the costumes, props, sets… so many things! I remember standing in Hagrid’s cabin, with the furniture being Hagrid’s size and it was awesome to stand there, being small. It was a magical experience. I bought myself a Hufflepuff scarf, which I am incredibly proud to wear to this day. (I don’t wear it often, but now that I’ve truly embraced my Hufflepuff side I wear it when it's cold enough for it). I got to see the Knight Bus and even though we could have ridden on it, unfortunately, we didn’t. The magic was real, though. And because here on this side of the world, you don’t get to see things like this often it was an awesome opportunity. Definitely one of my favourite birthday presents.
Over the years I’ve just had this constant love for Harry Potter. It’s always just been there. In different forms- through the people that I have become friends, or through merchandise, and of course the movies!
Around the time when Pottermore first came out- the original one, I was also a part of a Facebook group which I had later become an admin on. Which didn’t really do anything for me, but it was still quite fun. Pottermore coming out was so exciting. I got onto Pottermore the day it came out and took my quiz. I got sorted into Gryffindor, which was interesting to me, but I embraced it. At this time, of course, Hufflepuff’s weren’t exactly cool or accepted, so I don’t think I really thought of myself as Hufflepuff. But now I definitely embrace it. I'm a Hufflepuff, whether the quizzes say so or not. I love being a Hufflepuff.
A Very Potter Musical.

These people, the ones I’ve met online through the wonderful world of Harry Potter, I have never met, only ever talked to them. Yet we have this amazing bond. It’s special. And I cherish it wholeheartedly. These people are awesome and I’m really glad I have found them. They live all across the world and I think that’s pretty incredible. I owe all thanks to JK Rowling and the internet.
There’s something special about the bond that the Harry Potter world has brought into this world. It’s hard to describe. But if you know someone likes Harry Potter- even if they have just seen the movies- it creates this little bond. It's rather special.

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